Five Week Healthy Behavior Challenge

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In May, I did the JJ Smith’s Smoothie cleanse and lost 8 lbs! It doesn’t seem like much, but since I am nursing a second baby and at the time was only 4 months postpartum any progress is welcomed. Since then I have tried to encourage more progress, but I am having difficulty finding a program I enjoy and can stick with. I have tried Keto, and frankly it’s too much meat. I have tried Dr. Fuhrman, but its too much salad! LOL! I have tried meal replacement, but I’m nursing and hungry. Ultimately, I know the problem lies with me. First I hardly stick to anything for more than a week and second, I have trouble with anything too regimented. Right now, between work (I went back to work and then found out I was pregnant), two babies in diapers, a small business, and a marriage, I just don’t seem to have the time or energy to pack and plan every single ounce that goes in my mouth, but that seems to be the only way to succeed. I am frustrated. Weight loss has been a constant for me, although at this point my goal weight is my old fat! I hate coming on here and making wild declarations only never to return.

Still that is what I do! Anyway, I want to try a few different diets and see which will work for me. I feel like I can only focus on a few things at a time right now so maybe if I just try healthy habits and see which one gives me the most results if I exclusively focus on it. My thought is if I can really make one healthy practice a lifestyle others will fall into place.

There are some behaviors that are repeatedly cited to help with weight loss. Medical News Today lists:

  1. Eat Nutritionally Dense
  2. Track Your Food
  3. Exercise
  4. Drink Water and Eliminate Liquid Calories
  5. Practice Portion Control and Meal Planning

I am going to try to do one each week for five weeks. Whichever seems most successful is the one I will focus for 21 days to make it habit. Here goes yet another challenge! Maybe this one will stick. LOL!




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